Connect Your Nature Journal

At home, work or school, use your nature journal entries in personal or professional projects.
Your entries are source material for many forms of personal nature studies.
They can provide inspiration for fiction and non-fiction writing, stories and associations from your childhood, poetry, essays, poems, drawing, painting, textiles, sculptures, musical composition, or any creative expression.
They can also contribute to:
Data for citizen science projects
Record of places
Habitat studies
Species accounts and studies, including the wildlife and cultivated life in and around your home
Longer-term studies of the day and night skies with diaries of changes in moon, sun, planets and stars
Weather diaries - track the temperature, rainfall, cloud cover, wind patterns
Life, location-specific, monthly lists of birds and other animals, fungi, plants
Your own field guide, or field guides for different places
Ways to connect
… Bush to books
Ask questions. Look up information and answers to questions. See the South African specific nature resources section here.
Identify things you saw and heard.
Identification can open a door to learning more.
Learn how to use identification keys to open those doors.
Follow-up on things you want to learn more about through reading or talking to others.
Learn about nature from nature - If you find something different from your observations, make a note of the difference. If the flower you saw was pink, and the book says red, that doesn’t mean the book is “correct”. Leave your observation as you recorded it. Avoid the temptation to "correct" it. Rather make a note of the difference with the information in the book. Write the book name and page for later reference.
… Pages to Personal, programmatic or professional projects
Transfer information, inspiration, stories or pages into
Personal field guides based on your observations, records and research
Species studies, for example, Purple-crested Turaco
Species comparisons within a genus such as Erythrina
Lists: bird, mammals, insects, plants, global life and place-specific lists
Art projects
Creative, fictional and non-fiction writing
Musical compositions
Stories in print
… Contribute to Citizen Science Projects
Start with iNaturalist
Join and contribute to one of the many South African projects on the iNaturalist platform.
Read more about citizen science here.
… Community
Share your entries, experiences, and reflections with a community of nature journalers
at home
Nature journalers
Nature Journal South Africa (subscribe to our mailing list at the bottom of the page)
Find a nature journal buddy.
The Nature Journal Club on Facebook (started by John Muir Laws)
There are nature journal groups in many parts of the world. Find a club here.
Start a group in your area.
or abroad.
… Environmental Justice
Learn about local environmental justice efforts and groups in areas that you visit.
Find out how you can support these efforts.