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A Journey of Emotions: a museum, a critically endangered species, and a nature journaling group

Writer: Megan TerpendMegan Terpend

A Long Journey Back to Meeting up in KZN

In August 2023 members of NJSA (Nature Journaling South Africa) gathered online. As a group we had experienced lots of changes. We had gotten through the Covid pandemic but had not yet resumed meeting in person for a variety of reasons. There had been location changes and career changes. There had been highs and lows. What had remained constant was our love for nature journaling and our friendship with each other.

We chatted online about the way forward for the KZN group. We all agreed that it was time to try and meet up for some nature journaling. Well, life got in the way as it often does, and time sped by. Fast forward to February 2025, and – drum roll, please – we have just held our first in-person KZN meeting since the pandemic hit! The meeting was held at the Durban Natural Science Museum. And what a joyful, informative, and inspiring meeting it turned out to be. But it did contain a touch of sadness too. The theme was the African Penguin and we were all very aware that the African Penguin is a critically endangered species.

Why the Museum?

Now, you might be wondering, “Why a museum? Why not meet outside in nature?” Good question! The decision was strategic. We knew that our focus for this gathering would be on the critically endangered African Penguins, and they do not exist in the wild in KwaZulu Natal (KZN). We had hoped to visit uShaka Marine World where we could see the African Penguins up close and personal. Bongani, the penguin expert of our group, had tried to secure a group discount at uShaka, but with such a short lead time, it just was not meant to be.

Then came a brilliant suggestion from Sips: he had recently seen an African Penguin exhibit at the museum! And thus, the idea was born to meet at the museum. With Simphiwe, who is at the moment a current museum volunteer, offering us further guidance, we had our location. It was set. We were ready!

Bongani Chisale entertained and informed us with African Penguin related fun facts and sobering truths
Bongani Chisale entertained and informed us with African Penguin related fun facts and sobering truths


Bongani Brings uShaka Marine World to Us

Though we could not visit uShaka Marine World ourselves, Bongani brought the experience straight to us. His description of the penguins' quirky behaviour had us all laughing out loud. The penguins are fed twice a day, with the first feeding at 9:30 a.m. They line up for their sardines, each one judging the fish carefully. If a penguin is not happy with the sardine it is offered, it will shake its head and wait for a better one. It is like a tiny penguin restaurant, and they are the picky customers!

Bongani also shared some fascinating facts: penguins swallow their food whole! They have “hooks” on their tongues to help get the fish down, and they always eat the oil rich fish head-first. In the wild, male penguins are typically larger than females, but in captivity at uShaka, it is hard to tell them apart. The only way to know for sure is with a DNA test (done via blood taken from under their foot). Female penguins get tagged on their right wing, while the males get tagged on their left wing. Bongani spoke about penguin feeding habits, their brood pouch, and the threats to their existence. The stark reality is that if things don't change now then African Penguins will be extinct by 2035.


Siziwe Hlongwe bringing colour to her journal entry
Siziwe Hlongwe bringing colour to her journal entry

Time to Journal: Penguins on Paper

After we had all shared information with each other, we headed to the exhibit to do what we came for: journaling. Armed with our sketchbooks, pens, and plenty of inspiration, we scattered around, each of us engaging with the subject in different ways. We asked questions, listed facts, and jotted down observations. We sketched. And while the museum may not have been our first choice, there was something special about journaling there. The air-conditioned space kept us cool, the comfy benches made for perfect drawing spots, and there was a peacefulness in the air that allowed everyone to focus and get into the zone.


The exhibits at the museum are amazing. They are undoubtedly a wonderful educational tool. But knowing that the African Penguin is critically endangered and that future generations might only see them in museums, zoos or aquariums brings sadness too. Seeing the museum display brought home the stark reality that the threat of extinction is very real.

Is this the only way we are going to see African Penguins after 2035? (Photograph taken of the penguin display at the Durban Natural Science Museum. The two penguins on the left are African Penguins.)
Is this the only way we are going to see African Penguins after 2035? (Photograph taken of the penguin display at the Durban Natural Science Museum. The two penguins on the left are African Penguins.)

The plaque reads: "Penguins are flightless. They are seabirds normally only coming ashore on islands. Their wings are modified flippers for swimming underwater in pursuit of fish and their feet are webbed. Their beaks are hooked at the tip to grasp their elusive prey. Their plumage forms a waterproof protection trapping warm air between their skin and the freezing water typical of the oceans they inhabit. Penguins annually replace ('moult') their plumage and, because they are not waterproof during this period, they have to stay ashore for several weeks fasting at this time.

The African Penguin is endemic to southern Africa, occurring only along the coast of South Africa and Namibia. Juvenile African Penguins look quite different to adults. The entire world population of 72000 birds breeds at about 30 colonies in South Africa and Namibia. The African Penguin population decreased by 90% during the last century. It is considered Endangered. The main threats are oil spills and food shortages caused by commercial over-fishing..."

Note: other threats identified by NJSA include climate change and pollution.

The Power of Nature Journaling

In retrospect, the museum was the perfect place for our first meet-up since the pandemic.

Zuzile Mpanza in her nature journaling zone
Zuzile Mpanza in her nature journaling zone

After 15 months of waiting for an in-person meet-up, this day was exactly what we needed. It was a reminder of how nature can inspire us and how journaling can be a way to process that inspiration and connect with the world. But also, it was the realisation that time is running out for the African Penguin and we need to redouble our efforts to save it. So we make this plea to you: if you have not already signed the petition to save the African Penguin, please follow this link and do so.

Until next time, I will leave you with one more interesting penguin fact shared by Bongani. There are sixty penguins at uShaka Marine World. Each one has their own name. The penguins respond to their individual names! 🐧

Wondering what you can do to keep the African Penguin from going extinct by 2035, read this empowering and informative blog post will help.



1 Comment

Feb 12

Brilliant blog! 👏🏼 I love your style and the way you wove the themes together! I have signed the petition.

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